When they broke the bread, they saw Jesus

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Gracious Daughters 2023-05450

I love that it says that when they saw Jesus, they didn’t feel tired right away. Suddenly something burned inside them. Suddenly they were on fire. Suddenly hope came alive. And at that very moment, they didn’t need to rest anymore. They no longer had to stay in a physical place to warm their hearts. No, they saw Jesus and that was enough to make their hearts beat faster and their hopes flare. They no longer had to stay in Emmaus because they had received what they needed from Jesus, so they went back to Jerusalem to tell the good news.

Daughters of a Voice, do you know why their hopes came alive? They saw Jesus. This is the turning point, the key.

David says in Psalm 27:4-5: “I ask of the Lord one thing, the only thing I desire: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the love of the Lord, to meet him in his temple.” And do you know why? If you read on you will see that this is the result of seeing Jesus… Psalm 27:5-6 “ He will hide me under his roof in the day of evil, he will hide me safely in his tent, he will lift me high on a rock . Therefore my head lifts itself proudly above the enemies around me, I will offer sacrifices in his tent, offer sacrifices to him in exultation, I will sing and play to the Lord.”Hallelujah, that’s hope! The enemies that surrounded them didn’t matter? Why? They had hope. David had hope. When you see Jesus, something happens inside you. Hope is alive, it cannot be extinguished.

Hebrews 12:2-3: “ Keep your eyes on Jesus, who also ran the race that we are running.” 

How did Jesus do this? He kept His eyes on where He was going, no matter what. He was betrayed, rejected, persecuted, threatened with death, tempted in the desert, and saw his nephew John the Baptist beheaded, but he never lost sight of where He was going. Because of that fantastic ending in and with God, He could handle everything: the cross, the shame… 

Quarantine, lockdown, pandemic… if we keep our eyes on Jesus. 

Beloved daughters, we can finish this race knowing that He is there in the highest place, next to God. If we see that we are weakening in our faith, go back to that story. Which story? His story… Who He is… piece by piece, that long story of trouble and pain that Jesus struggled through will give you an adrenaline rush in your soul. 

That will give you hope to see Jesus as He is. 

Keep walking with Him. 


Ps. Mylene

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